Sunday, 25 November 2018

Pucón, Chile

When we arrived at Pucón late at night, we got a random hostel. At our hostel my mom pulled my tooth out!!!! The tooth fairy came! And left me 1000 Chilean Pesos! We only stayed there for 1 night so we had to go to another hostel.

The other hostel was called Alma Nativa. The next morning we went rafting. It was really fun! There were commands that the guide said and we needed to follow. The commands were:
  1. Forward paddle: when we had to paddle forward
  2. Backwards paddle: when we had to paddle backwards
  3. Stop: was when we stopped padding
  4. Down: was when we sat down in the raft away from the edges
  5. High five: was when we finished going down some rapids and we put our paddles together to celebrate
There were big waves and cold water. We had to wear wetsuits. I was not scared. It reminded me of tubing at the cabin.

Then after a couple of days we went zip lining. It was really fun! I was not scared. We were high above the ground. There were 6 zip lines. On the 4th zip line I got hit by some leaves!

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